The practical Medicine Storage solution

Medpacs are hard-wearing, affordable, easily stored and highly visible storage solutions suitable for a wide range for medicines and medical equipment. Designed in the UK, Medpacs are engineered to be versatile, and are as well-suited for children to take to school, as they are hospital stays, family day trips - or just day to day use!
Medpac Small
Medpac Large
Medpac Midi
Heading to Uni? Don’t Forget These Health Must-Haves!

Heading to Uni? Don’t Forget These Health Must-Haves!

So, you’re off to uni or college, and the excitement of your new-found freedom is probably filling you with excitement and trepidation!

While you’re busy packing up your essentials—everything from kitchen gadgets and cozy bedding to that all-important laundry basket and big food shop, don’t let your health needs slip through the cracks.

Whether you’re managing a long-term condition like asthma, allergies, diabetes, or epilepsy, or just need some basic first aid bits, a Medpac is an absolute lifesaver. This handy little storage kit is perfect for keeping all your meds and health essentials in one easy-to-find spot.

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5 Reasons to Choose Medpac's Epipen Bag for Allergy Management on the Move

5 Reasons to Choose Medpac's Epipen Bag for Allergy Management on the Move

It's hard to find the perfect travel medicine bag as there's so many factors that come into making a decision. However, we've provided you with our top 5 reasons to choose Medpac's Epipen Bag for allergy management on the move.

Whether you're looking for something comfortable, durable or simply just practical, read our blog to discover how the Medpac Epipen Bag ticks all your boxes.

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Preparing for the New School Year: Essential Tips for Parents of Children with Medical Conditions

Preparing for the New School Year: Essential Tips for Parents of Children with Medical Conditions

As summer draws to a close, it's time to start preparing for the new school year. This often includes purchasing new uniforms, shoes, stationery, and of course, a new pencil case.

However, for parents of children with medical conditions such as asthma, allergies, epilepsy, or diabetes, additional planning is required to ensure their child's safety and well-being at school.

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