Many students are planning their first year at college or university, and looking forward to experiencing their first taste of freedom…
What to expect at university
However the list of items you need to think about seems endless!!
The list of essential items required to live independently for the first time is long, from kitchenware to a recipe book, bedding to a laundry bin, however don’t be let repeat prescriptions and emergency medication be overlooked.
For any student whether suffering from a long-term condition such as asthma, allergy, diabetes or epilepsy or a young person who just needs a supply of plasters, paracetamol and multi-vitamin tablets, a Medpac is the ideal storage solution.
Complete with photo ID to make it easy to find by fellow students in an emergency and a treatment card to write all the essential information required in an emergency including how to phone mum and dad!!
So consider adding a Medpac to your list of university/college essentials this term.
Also here are some useful links to help: